Stormwater Information for Contractors - "You Can Make a Difference"
Residential and commercial construction sites are the leading cause of soil erosion and sediment runoff in urban areas. During periods of rainfall and snowmelt, improperly managed construction sites contribute more sediment to rivers and streams than would be deposited naturally. Pollutants often found in construction site runoff include sediment, pesticides, fertilizers, petroleum products, construction chemicals, contaminated soils, paints, debris and sanitary waste. Contractors can minimize the amount of pollutants that enter our waterways by implementing erosion control measures both during and after construction.
"Stormwater Quality Inspection - Active Construction Sites" YouTube video
Below you will find the "Stormwater Quality Inspection - Active Construction Sites" YouTube video sponsored by various stormwater management groups. This video explains the Stormwater Quality Inspector's overall responsibility when inspecting an active construction site for compliance with its stormwater quality permit.
Below you will find the "Stormwater Quality Inspection - Active Construction Sites" YouTube video sponsored by various stormwater management groups. This video explains the Stormwater Quality Inspector's overall responsibility when inspecting an active construction site for compliance with its stormwater quality permit.
Implement Erosion and Sediment Control Practices
Preparing erosion and sediment control plans before construction starts can reduce soil erosion and contain runoff. Plans should include soil stabilization measures, perimeter controls and runoff treatment practices that will be implemented and maintained before and during construction activities. Plans should:
Prepare a Post-Construction Plan
What happens after construction is as important as what happens during construction. Runoff from areas of new development or redevelopment significantly affects receiving waterways. Post-construction control measures should:
"Proper Concrete Washout Procedures for Contractors" YouTube video
Below you will find the "Proper Concrete Washout Procedures for Contractors" YouTube video sponsored by the Indiana Ready Mixed Concrete Associations and other various groups. The goal of this video was to add practices for properly managing concrete washout and concrete finishing discharges for end users. The video features updated BMPs including how to washout in smaller areas. Please take a moment to watch the video and learn to do the right things to help protect our environment, especially focusing on ways to keep our waterways clean.
Below you will find the "Proper Concrete Washout Procedures for Contractors" YouTube video sponsored by the Indiana Ready Mixed Concrete Associations and other various groups. The goal of this video was to add practices for properly managing concrete washout and concrete finishing discharges for end users. The video features updated BMPs including how to washout in smaller areas. Please take a moment to watch the video and learn to do the right things to help protect our environment, especially focusing on ways to keep our waterways clean.